Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What I've learned

I have learned so much this semester. This class really taught me how to depict and form valid arguments. After every lesson, I would be able to notice every time people had weak arguments or used fallacies. It was very eye opening to learn what makes up a weak argument and how frequent they are made. For instance, the book used examples of fallacies that were very relative to me, so I realized that sometimes when I reason, I am using fallacies or making an invalid argument. This class also taught me how to work very well with a group. Staying in the same group was nice because we learned each other’s strengths and weaknesses. The final project (group facilitation) was very helpful because it was like a real life situation that we had to deal with. It also was interesting to see our peers reasoning and then picking apart their arguments in the analysis. Overall, this class was very helpful and I’m glad I took it.


  1. Tell Em’,
    This class was a very enjoyable class for me as well. I noticed that you talked about the final group project which was the group facilitation. This too was one of my favorite parts of the class because as you said it gave us real life situations and I also liked it because it gave us group experience and team building experience. I feel that we could use these experiences for other classes as well as even going into the work force and in a job. I also enjoyed learning all of the concepts which were something new and interesting to me. Good job this semester!

  2. I also talked about how I learned a lot about fallacies. I discussed about how now that I know about them, I can look through my own righting and arguments and realize when I am using them.
    I too enjoyed the group projects. I felt that they gave us an opportunity to incorporate the course concepts into real life situations like the group facilitation. I think they helped me better understand what we learned because it was helpful talking with a group and getting different outlooks on the concepts.

  3. I also found this class very interesting and informative. I really enjoyed the group projects because they were very useful to put everything we learned in our own words and with real life examples. The fact that we stayed with the same group helped build up the group and know what each persons' strong points are. This class helped me evaluate weak and strong arguments, but also valid and false arguments. I also noticed that I made a lot of fallacies when I tried arguing but did not have enough proof. I know evaluate every argument I read and decide if it is strong enough to be believable.

  4. Hey Tell'em,
    I really enjoyed this class as well. It did teach me a lot about forming arguments and trying to reduce the fallacies I use in my arguments. I also learned how to detect weak arguments, especially if they are formed on a fallacious foundation. I also loved how the group projects turned out. The group project really kept me motivated to do more for this online class. It was as if the entire class was just the five of us for the entire semester. It was fun regardless, cause I learned a lot within the group projects and outside of it.
