Saturday, September 4, 2010

Topic of choice (Prescriptive and Descriptive claims)

I chose to discuss prescriptive and descriptive claims because you here them all the time and they actually seemed pretty interesting to me. It is basically another case of fact verse opinion, but a little different. According to the Epstein text, "a claim is descriptive if it says what it is. A claim is prescriptive if it says what is should be." For example, if my friend Shawn was thirsty, the descriptive claim would simply be to state, "Shawn is thirsty." However, it would be a prescriptive claim if I were to voice my opinion and say "Shawn should get something to drink." See the difference is stating the fact that he is thirsty verses stating my opinion that he should get something to drink. Another example was one I recognized last night. A couple friends and I were chilling at the crib and one of them said he was hungry. In reaction, my other friend told him "you should go to sevo and get food." So, the descriptive claim is my friend being hungry; and the prescriptive claim is that he should go to seven eleven and get food.

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