Friday, October 22, 2010

Group Projects

I really liked both of the projects. We learned how to work in groups and how to apply what we’ve learned rather than just knowing about it. It was also nice to be able to actually meet people in the class because it is online. But I really liked the second project. It allowed us to take what we’ve learned about claims and critical thinking and actually use it. My group chose PETA and we worked as a team to go through their website and pick it apart in terms of “locating, retrieving, organizing, analyzing, synthesizing and communicating. My specific task was to go through and find all the concealed claims. This was cool because I didn’t know what they were before so not only did I learn about them, but I also got to look for them on a professional website. I have enjoyed both projects and look forward to the third.


  1. I know what you mean by being able to apply terms we learned to evaluate organizations. Our group is actually doing the WWF (world wildlife fund) and I was surprised that there were certain claims such as concealed and fallacies in their website. Even though the WWF is an organization with a good cause (well it's good in my opinion) they still used reasonings that are usually seen as bad in order to convince their audience that people should support their cause. Anyways, I also have enjoyed the projects too and especially this one because I got to find "faulty" reasoning (I guess you can say) in organizations that I would not expect would have it.

  2. Hey there Andy,
    I love how you just summarized the work we have done during our projects. I totally agree with you on the concepts we have learned as a group. It was fun to discuss it among ourselves and to have small arguments regarding it as well. I think our second project was a lot more challenging than our first one. And yes, I actually felt relieved after meeting up for our first project. That is the disadvantage of an online class, but still we made gelled together as a team and worked through it! I can't wait to do another project, and learn a lot more with the same group! :)
