Saturday, November 20, 2010

Reading 2

This reading was very helpful. I wish the book was as detailed as this reading. For example, the appeal to emotion was much easier to understand. They outlined each type of appeal to emotion and gave examples of each. I feel as though the book didn’t do that as well. But either way, I now have a greater understanding of all the appeal to emotion with a combination of the book and the website. The same thing goes for the explanation of fallacies. This web page went into depth about lots of different types and did a much greater job than the book. My knowledge of these topics has increased highly after reading this website. It helped a lot how each subcategory had its own link. Rather than having one big page with brief definitions, each different topic had a separate page and explicit definition. I honestly wish I read this more towards the beginning of the semester. Good stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Hey tell 'em
    I felt the same way as well. the concepts online were a lot more easier to understand than the textbook. I feel that the textbook does not provide any information, nor as many examples in order to make the concepts clear enough for us to understand. I also learned a lot more than what I previously learned about these subjects. And yes, I also liked how they had separate pages / links, in order to emphasize each and every single topic covered on the web page. On top of that, I also enjoyed doing the exercises they provided. They helped me sharpen and better my knowledge with that concept. I agree with your post Tell'em. Good job :)
